Holistic Dance Language mit Zola Dubnikova
Alchimistische Tanz- und Seelenreise
2019, keine Planung für 2023
Kyodo, Mendelssohnstraße 15, Haus B, 1. Stock, 22761 Hamburg
for English version please scroll down
'Wenn eine verkörperte Frau präsent ist, öffnet sich der Himmel.' Zola D.
Ich freue mich so sehr, dass Zola auch in diesem Jahr zu ein 'Alchemistischen Tanzworkshop' nach Hamburg kommt.
2018 war es für mich eine besondere Freude, die assistierende Großmutter in Zola's Team der 2- monatigen 'School of Mystery, Sacred Dance & Feminine Arts' in Goa zu sein. Die Art wie Zola unterrichtet, berührt eine alte Sehnsucht, sie verbindet uns mit unseren alten, längst vergessenen Wurzeln. Die holistische Tanzsprache, die Zola entwickelt hat, ist einzigartig und so ein Geschenk für uns Frauen, wenn wir uns wieder mit unserem heiligen Körpertempel verbinden. Ich verneige mich vor Zola's Wissen und lade dich ein, in den Kreis zu treten und mitzutanzen.
An diesem Novemberwochenende werden wir uns auf eine Tanzreise begeben, die zeitgenössische Körperwissenschaften, energetische Bewegungen, Atem, Ritual und mystische orientalische Tanzpraktiken verbindet, die sich über Zeiten und Welten ausdehnen. Diese heilende Erfahrung öffnet das Herz, entspannt das Becken, stärkt unser Zentrum, verwurzelt die Füße und bewegt die Seele. Wir tanzen die Trance des Loslassens, das Verabschieden dessen, was wir nicht länger im Körper festhalten wollen; wir erfahren Sanftheit & Stärke; wir hören auf unsere innere Stimme; wir reisen gemeinsam, um innere Kraft aufzubauen & den Körper für eine tiefere Freiheit loszulassen. Wir erfahren ein kraftvolles Vokabular an Bewegungen, das auf der einzigartigen 'holistischen Tanzsprache' basiert, die Zola Dubnikova entwickelt hat. Zwischen ätherischen Melodien und tiefen tranc-igen Beats, verschmilzt das mystische Alte mit dem gegenwärtigen Moment zwischen Zeiten & Welten zu einem kraftvollen Erlebnis für Körper und Geist.
English version
Alchemistic dance journey for body and soul
more info coming soon - booking is not yet possible
probably beginning of November 2020
Kyodo, Mendelssohnstraße 15, HouseB, 1. floor, 22761 Hamburg
I am so happy to host the second Sacred Dance Workshop with Zola Dubnikova in Hamburg, Germany. In 2018 I was blessed to assist as Grandmother in Zola's team in the 2-months ‘School of Mystery, Sacred Dance & Feminine Arts' in Goa. The way Zola teaches touches an old longing and connects us to our ancient roots so long forgotten. The holistic dance language Zola has developed is unique and such a gift for us women reconnecting with our holy body temples.
I bow to Zola's wisdom and invite you to step into the circle and join the dance.
During this November weekend we will go on a dance journey fusing contemporary body science, movement energetics, breath, ritual, and mystical eastern dance practices drawn across time and worlds. This healing experience opens the heart, releases the pelvis, strengthens the core, roots the feet and moves the soul. We dance the trance of release, letting go of what we don’t want to hold in the body; we build inner softness & strength; we listen to our inner voice; we take a journey together to build inner power & release the body toward deeper freedom. We learn a powerful vocabulary of movement, based on the unique “holistic dance language” developed by Zola Dubnikova. Between ethereal melodies and deep trance-y beats, the mystic ancient and the present moment merge across time & worlds in a powerful experience for body & spirit.
Feminine Practices to open the inner gates
Movements & meditations are combined in a powerful series, designed as a devotional ritual, movement prayer and powerful way to strengthen and center. The practices guide us in developing serpentine grace, inner power, core strength and deep expressive grace. Through the practices we: cultivate deeper awareness, receive tools to channel our energy in enhanced ways, increase vitality, learn a new language of movement medicine, practice mudras, dive into the magic of our feminine anatomy, develop enhanced inner sensation and work with the sacred geometry of the body.
Through our dance, we bring back powerful tradition and intentions of the ancient temple dancers, in a way that applies for women of today. We explore the evolution of contemporary sacred ritual & feminine practice .
About Zola
Zola Dubnikova bridges sacred dance, movement medicine, contemporary body science, masterful form, somatic awareness and ritual through her unique approach known as the “Holistic Dance Language.” Her extensive background fused with absolute devotion to the pursuit of dance as an ecstatic, spiritual experience, has birthed a unique style of both teaching & performing – which truly embodies the marriage between form and spirit. Trained extensively in contemporary dance forms and healing arts as well as Odissi Temple Dance Tradition, Sufi tradition, Mevlana whirling practices, Dances of the Silk Road , the gypsy trails and beyond, her style brings forth the wisdom of ancient dance ritual through a holistic lense intended to guide more people in accessing their divine capabilities. With invitations to teach across the world, Zola tours extensively to give seminars, offer retreats, perform and guide collective experiences, as well as running her yearly School of Mystery, Sacred Dance & Feminine Arts in India.
More about Zola's work on http://zoladubnikova.com/
• Earth practices (slow movements with a focus on deep inner listening & release)
• Movement medicine & energetics, physical training & breath re-patterning
• Contemporary body science & sacred physical geometry
• Sacred feminine teachings & evolutionary circle practices
• Ritual & mystical eastern dance drawn across time & worlds
Kyodo, Mendelssohnstraße 15, HausB, 1. Stock, 22761 Hamburg
Workshop Price: 290 € Early bird until x
After xxxx 350 €
Deposit 90€ is possible (non refundable), the rest has to be paid till xx (for early bird),
You will receive an email with my account dates at the bottom, your seat in the circle is booked when your money is transferred to my account.
This workshop is non - residential
Please book your place here or send me an email if you have any questions.
We can't wait to dance with you. Let the magic happen.
Love & gratitude
Art-Nr: 1015
350,00 €
keine Ausweisung der Mehrwertsteuer gemäß § 19 UStG
inkl. Versandkosten
Lieferzeit: 3-5 Tage *
Alchimistische Tanz- und Seelenreise
2019, keine Planung für 2023
Kyodo, Mendelssohnstraße 15, Haus B, 1. Stock, 22761 Hamburg
for English version please scroll down
'Wenn eine verkörperte Frau präsent ist, öffnet sich der Himmel.' Zola D.
Ich freue mich so sehr, dass Zola auch in diesem Jahr zu ein 'Alchemistischen Tanzworkshop' nach Hamburg kommt.
2018 war es für mich eine besondere Freude, die assistierende Großmutter in Zola's Team der 2- monatigen 'School of Mystery, Sacred Dance & Feminine Arts' in Goa zu sein. Die Art wie Zola unterrichtet, berührt eine alte Sehnsucht, sie verbindet uns mit unseren alten, längst vergessenen Wurzeln. Die holistische Tanzsprache, die Zola entwickelt hat, ist einzigartig und so ein Geschenk für uns Frauen, wenn wir uns wieder mit unserem heiligen Körpertempel verbinden. Ich verneige mich vor Zola's Wissen und lade dich ein, in den Kreis zu treten und mitzutanzen.
An diesem Novemberwochenende werden wir uns auf eine Tanzreise begeben, die zeitgenössische Körperwissenschaften, energetische Bewegungen, Atem, Ritual und mystische orientalische Tanzpraktiken verbindet, die sich über Zeiten und Welten ausdehnen. Diese heilende Erfahrung öffnet das Herz, entspannt das Becken, stärkt unser Zentrum, verwurzelt die Füße und bewegt die Seele. Wir tanzen die Trance des Loslassens, das Verabschieden dessen, was wir nicht länger im Körper festhalten wollen; wir erfahren Sanftheit & Stärke; wir hören auf unsere innere Stimme; wir reisen gemeinsam, um innere Kraft aufzubauen & den Körper für eine tiefere Freiheit loszulassen. Wir erfahren ein kraftvolles Vokabular an Bewegungen, das auf der einzigartigen 'holistischen Tanzsprache' basiert, die Zola Dubnikova entwickelt hat. Zwischen ätherischen Melodien und tiefen tranc-igen Beats, verschmilzt das mystische Alte mit dem gegenwärtigen Moment zwischen Zeiten & Welten zu einem kraftvollen Erlebnis für Körper und Geist.
English version
Alchemistic dance journey for body and soul
more info coming soon - booking is not yet possible
probably beginning of November 2020
Kyodo, Mendelssohnstraße 15, HouseB, 1. floor, 22761 Hamburg
I am so happy to host the second Sacred Dance Workshop with Zola Dubnikova in Hamburg, Germany. In 2018 I was blessed to assist as Grandmother in Zola's team in the 2-months ‘School of Mystery, Sacred Dance & Feminine Arts' in Goa. The way Zola teaches touches an old longing and connects us to our ancient roots so long forgotten. The holistic dance language Zola has developed is unique and such a gift for us women reconnecting with our holy body temples.
I bow to Zola's wisdom and invite you to step into the circle and join the dance.
During this November weekend we will go on a dance journey fusing contemporary body science, movement energetics, breath, ritual, and mystical eastern dance practices drawn across time and worlds. This healing experience opens the heart, releases the pelvis, strengthens the core, roots the feet and moves the soul. We dance the trance of release, letting go of what we don’t want to hold in the body; we build inner softness & strength; we listen to our inner voice; we take a journey together to build inner power & release the body toward deeper freedom. We learn a powerful vocabulary of movement, based on the unique “holistic dance language” developed by Zola Dubnikova. Between ethereal melodies and deep trance-y beats, the mystic ancient and the present moment merge across time & worlds in a powerful experience for body & spirit.
Feminine Practices to open the inner gates
Movements & meditations are combined in a powerful series, designed as a devotional ritual, movement prayer and powerful way to strengthen and center. The practices guide us in developing serpentine grace, inner power, core strength and deep expressive grace. Through the practices we: cultivate deeper awareness, receive tools to channel our energy in enhanced ways, increase vitality, learn a new language of movement medicine, practice mudras, dive into the magic of our feminine anatomy, develop enhanced inner sensation and work with the sacred geometry of the body.
Through our dance, we bring back powerful tradition and intentions of the ancient temple dancers, in a way that applies for women of today. We explore the evolution of contemporary sacred ritual & feminine practice .
About Zola
Zola Dubnikova bridges sacred dance, movement medicine, contemporary body science, masterful form, somatic awareness and ritual through her unique approach known as the “Holistic Dance Language.” Her extensive background fused with absolute devotion to the pursuit of dance as an ecstatic, spiritual experience, has birthed a unique style of both teaching & performing – which truly embodies the marriage between form and spirit. Trained extensively in contemporary dance forms and healing arts as well as Odissi Temple Dance Tradition, Sufi tradition, Mevlana whirling practices, Dances of the Silk Road , the gypsy trails and beyond, her style brings forth the wisdom of ancient dance ritual through a holistic lense intended to guide more people in accessing their divine capabilities. With invitations to teach across the world, Zola tours extensively to give seminars, offer retreats, perform and guide collective experiences, as well as running her yearly School of Mystery, Sacred Dance & Feminine Arts in India.
More about Zola's work on http://zoladubnikova.com/
• Earth practices (slow movements with a focus on deep inner listening & release)
• Movement medicine & energetics, physical training & breath re-patterning
• Contemporary body science & sacred physical geometry
• Sacred feminine teachings & evolutionary circle practices
• Ritual & mystical eastern dance drawn across time & worlds
Kyodo, Mendelssohnstraße 15, HausB, 1. Stock, 22761 Hamburg
Workshop Price: 290 € Early bird until x
After xxxx 350 €
Deposit 90€ is possible (non refundable), the rest has to be paid till xx (for early bird),
You will receive an email with my account dates at the bottom, your seat in the circle is booked when your money is transferred to my account.
This workshop is non - residential
Please book your place here or send me an email if you have any questions.
We can't wait to dance with you. Let the magic happen.
Love & gratitude
* Gilt für Lieferungen nach Deutschland. Lieferzeiten für andere Länder und Informationen zur Berechnung des Liefertermins siehe hier: AGB